2024-25 Sponsor A Dog

2025 Dog Sponsorships

All sponsorship monies will be used only for racing and training expenses. Dog sponsors will have their names listed on that dog's individual webpage and below; sponsors of $500 or more will also receive a free gift at the end of the season.

Click on a dog's photo below to go to their individual page for more info about that dog. To sponsor that dog, click on the sponsor button below the dog's photo. This will bring you to our Paypal shopping cart page. Or if you wish to sponsor via check or money order, please for instructions on how to do so.

Dogs can have multiple sponsors.

The Race Pool - $250

These are the dogs in the main race pool for the 2025 season.


Sponsor Me!

Sponsored by:
Tammy Kitchen, in memory of Monster Storm
Stella Behrens

Yearlings & Others - $150

These dogs are not part of the race pool due to their young age or other factors, but you can still sponsor them!

The Past & The Future - $75

Retirees that helped shape the team I have today, and pups who are the future.